ponedeljek, 28. november 2016

NEW: UE4 tutorial: Sniper rifle aiming widget

This is a tutorial about making a widget that most shooter games use when playing with sniper guns. If you haven't wantched the video tutorial, click on THIS link. If you want to see an explanation and download aminig widget, click on THIS link.

nedelja, 27. november 2016

NEW: UE4 tutorial: Automatic Rifle

In this tutorial I'm going to show, how to use a standard FPS character gun and upgrade it to a machine gun using blueprints programming. If you haven't seen the video tutorial yet click on THIS link.
If you want to see the explanation of the tutorial click on THIS link.

sobota, 26. november 2016

UE4 bomberman SERIES

In this series of tutorials, I'm going to show, how to create a simple bomberman game using blueprints. If you haven't wantched the video tutorials, click on THIS link. There are total of 12 episodes of bomberman tutorials.
If you want to watch bomberman playlist of tutorials go ahead and click on this link.

NEW: UE4 GAME LIKE tutorial #2: Clustertruck (Movement mechanics) 

 This is the 2nd episode of GAME LIKE tutorial series, where I show you, how to program game mechanics very similar to the original ones. if you haven't watched this video tutorial yet click on THIS link.
 If you want to see the explanation of this tutorial click on THIS link.

NEW: UE4 GAME LIKE tutorial #1: Super Hot (time moves, when you move)

  This is the first tutorial of GAME LIKE series, where I show you, how to program game mechanics like famous games have. In this tutorial I'll be showing, how to make time move only when you move like in the game Super Hot. If you haven't watched the video tutorial click THIS link to watch it. If you want to see the explanation of this tutorial click on THIS link.

UE4 game like SERIES!

In this playlist of tutorials I'm going to show you, how to make game mechanics similar to original ones

Watch playlist here